now here



The aim of this project is to create a reflection on the process of appropriation of an urban space as an immigrant, an exercise to deconstruct and reconstruct our sense of belonging to a cultural place, to a landscape.
Being at home and therefore having the possibility to continuously build the narration of our own lives.
A narrative that keeps us safe while walking; it prevents us from being lost in the evident in-between spaces.


-6hours consists on the projection of iconic pictures of a city.
A place which is engraved in the collective memories of mankind.
A place that served as matrix for architectural resonance, repeated and copied in many places around the world.
Fragments of pictures build up, constructing the image step by step. Evoking the formed picture which allows us to recognise and therefore to name a place.
Tourists are taking at any moment the same repeated pictures that enable them to feel safe. They know, or think they know, where they are. At the same time as they establish this phallic cliché of Paris, millions of immigrants strive to construct a deeper inside outside relationship – to transform this image into a home.

Edition: Federico Nipoli


This sculpture contains hundreds of layers, very specific shapes that are all connected to one spinal column.
Each of these shapes represents a day of the year, a translation of the movements of one person.
Movements captured by Google maps, registering every step taken in this path.
This traces have been transcoded into layers, all referring to the map of the city where the person lives.
The spinal column being the location where everyday starts and ends; the apartment, the bed.
Looking at this sculpture we can experience a double process of mapping: the inner mapping which allows us to walk out, to orientate ourselves, to remember the way home. And the outer mapping, the surveillance, which enables others to find us in order to create profit.


24hours is a 24-hour-long sound piece for wireless headphones, that contextualises the public in the soundscape of my memories of Paris. In the project Now Here, sound is used as the only “real” documentation of the city, due to its direct connection to the emotional, and also as a connection between the other two thirds of this tryptic.