wider reflexio



Juan Ferrari, Katharina Volgger and Lukas Kasser create the collective WiderReflexio to intervene for two consecutive years for ‘S(ch)ein’, an evening dedicated to baroque music at the fortress of Franzensfeste in the italian Alps.
In a dialogue with SonnAiér, an ensemble of young and renowned musicians of old music, the team creates a contextualized light and sound sculptures.
In the year 2015, they built a scultpture that investigates in the subject of existence and appearances: an inverse dome of candels, a mirror and a watersurface, that re-create the scenery of a baroque sky.
The light resonates and reflects into endless sequences of spheres lost in virtual spaces, inviting the audience to discover the border between reality and image.

In the year 2016, in collaboration with Federico Nipoli, the collective creates a light installation that works with the natural memory of the castle and the echo of the concert into three different rooms.
Playing with perception of space and color, this installation stands on video-projection into reflective materials. The deconstruction of light and the memory of the images that travel through it, transforms the space into an immersive experience